Tiedän ettei minun pitäisi edes ajatella sitä, mutta olen himoinnut liian kauan Curvy Katen Tease me-rintaliiviä. Ongelmana vain on, että koot loppuvat ympäryksessä 38/85 G-kuppiin, joka todennäköisesti on minulle aivan liian pieni. Muissa CK:n liiveissähän sopiva koko on minulle 40/90 H/HH -kuppi.
Olen vain nähnyt liian herkullisia kuvia kyseisistä rintaliiveistä vaikka liivit ovat liian pienet, joten en vain pääse asiasta yli enkä ympäri. Katso ainakin Broods Big Bras -blogista lisää kuvia. The Jawdropper, todellakin! Minun on pakko saada Tease me, vaikka se jäisikin pelkkään baarikäyttöön muutaman kerran vuodessa. Ottaen huomioon että kuljin vuosikaudet koossa 95D, saan kai hairahtua ostamaan vielä yhdet liian pienet rintaliivit jotka antaisivat ihanan rintavaon?
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Tässä kuvassa koko 36/80GG, oikea rintaliivikoko 36/80K. Kuppi on liian pieni, mutta uskon sen sopivan täydellisesti satunnaiseen baarikäyttöön. / In this picture Tease me in 36GG, when the right bra size for her is 36K. Not the right size, but it looks amazing and i don't see why not if you wear it only occasionally! Broods Big Bras Blog |
In English: I know I shouldn't even think about it but I'm obsessed with Curvy Kate's Tease me bra. Ever since I saw these epic boobs -pictures on Broods Big Bras I haven't gotten it out of my head. Since I wore 42D's for years because of the massively awesome cleavage they gave me I guess I could use a 38G's when I have the need of showing my assets? Couldn't hurt once in a while if I just wore the bra a couple of hours at the time? Oh please, tell me I can?
I actually wear a Thrill Me 30H currently (30J is coming in the mail, but the mail is REALLY slow!) and I get away with it just fine. I definitely need 2 cup sizes up and at least one back size down (I do alter them down, though).
ReplyDeleteI really, really wish they'd expand their size range because SO many women squish into them!
Um, you mean the 30H is your "normal" size?
DeleteI really really wish they'd expand the size range, too. As Curvy Kate claims to be a brand that listens to their customers, they really should expand! There's been so much raving about the need for bigger cups (and smaller bands as well) in the Showgirl range that they should take some action right now. I think us bloggers should write them a plea about this need!
It seems odd to me that their Sg range is in such a limited size range as those bras seem to suit well variously shaped breasts. Their unpadded bras, in the other hand, are a bit trickier when finding the great size and fit.
I myself have found that they are a bit uncomfy (like many other unpadded bras) because there isn't that much soft material between the breast and the wire. I also think that they tend to give an east-and-west look which isn't that flattering to my eye.
I have this one too in 34H, and I love it so much, and it is so, so, so the wrong size for me. I would probably need a 32 in that. And it is at least 2 cups too small here, so I would probably need it in 32JJ or 32K.. Hmm, not happening any time soon, I fear!
ReplyDeleteI fear that too, and it makes me really sad. :-(
DeleteHow do you find the bra fits in the wrong size? There's propably some bulging or ampit boob, but is it still comfy and good looking? Just asking, because I'm concidering on buying it anyway as a night out/bedroom bra... :D
Oh, and I like you blog! :-)
DeleteThere is a lot of quadra-boob, and my nips are slipping out! So it really is a no-go. I often wonder, because sometimes I see that some people breast don't tend to bulge out so much: If you saw me in profile with a quadro-boob, the bit outside the bra sticks out much further, but on some people it seems their breasts are more pushed up, rather than out, when they wear too small bras: For Brood too, it seems it would be all right from the profile, maybe? I've never really understood if I had soft or firm breasts, but maybe it is a question of that? If you normally experience quadro-boob in the same way as Brood there, maybe it could work for you.
DeleteYeah, my blog is all new :D I've lurked on your blog (and others) for a long time, posting as anonymous (and sometimes as BBBB or AMB), but I figured it was time I got my own space :) Still figuring it out, I have a post about Biubiu saved where I need to sort the pics first! I am blogging from Denmark, so I expect there will be some overlap in what bra-shops we have
Yes, I've been thinking that the tendency to guadra-boob is a firmness issue! I don't know if I have soft or firm breasts either. I just don't know how I should determine that.
DeleteI don't normally get quadra-boob very easily. Or actually, I do, but it doesn't bulge out from the side view that much unless it's like 6 cups too small. :D
This firmness vs. bulging thing is an interesting issue, but I also think that some bras have a tendency to produce bulging easily. I think it's about whether the cup is open on top or not. So I guess you could squeeze yourself in too small bras if it is a bra that works well for full on top -breasts (propably half cups and low balconnettes). So maybe the Tease me is a pretty forgiving bra when it comes to a too small cup.
And I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog, for sure!
I agree that some styles do it much more than others, and in that sense I think the Tease Me is ideal, because it is quite flat at that top-part, and also very open.
DeleteSopivan Tease Me:n löytäminen on osoittautunut ainakin mulle tosi vaikeaksi. Toppaamattomien Curvy Katen liivien kanssa kokoni on jotain 32JJ:n luokkaa. Haluaisin kokeilla liiviä koossa 30J tai 32HH, mutta en löydä näitä kokoja enää mistään! Olisin toivonut löytäväni joko hopeisen tai punamustan Tease Me:n, mutta n. 30 nettikaupan kahlaamisen jälkeen sopivat liivit löytyivät ainoastaan jostain puolalaisesta nettikaupasta, missä toimituskustannukset olisivat lähes kaksinkertaistaneet liivien hinnan. Haluaisin todella kokeilla Tease Me:tä, mutta en kertakaikkiaan löydä sopivia kokoja mistään :(
ReplyDeleteToivottavasti sulla on parempi tuuri!
Itsellänikin on ollut vaikeuksia löytää 38G:tä (isoin kuppi 38-ympäryksessä). Luulenpa, että nuo isoimmat kupit myyvät aina ensimmäisenä. Toivotaan vain, että Curvy Kate ymmärtäisi oikean viestin, että isoja kuppeja tarvitaan lisää!
DeleteNoin viidenkymmenen nettikaupan selaamisen jälkeen onnistuin löytämään 30J:n! Osoitteessa adore.pl oli vielä jäljellä kokoani. Koska kuppi on liian pieni, niin liivin antama muoto on hieman neliömäinen. Se ei näytä hirveän imartelevalta paidan alla, mutta ilman paitaa liivit ovat hyvin näyttävät ;) Tease Me:n ympärys on hieman turhankin tiukka uskon että löysemmällä ympäryksellä liivin antama muoto voisi olla vähän parempi.
DeleteIsoja kuppeja tarvitaan ehdottomasti lisää! Mitäköhän kautta asiasta voisi antaa palautetta...